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Experts Say This Recent Disney+ Lawsuit Could Be Game Changing

Disney is no stranger to controversy, so it is no surprise that the media giant regularly gets sued. However, a recent lawsuit might end up being far more impactful than others. A new lawsuit announced on Thur...

The Deadline for This TikTok Class Action Suit Is Approaching Fast

Popular video app, TikTok, has recently announced that they plan to settle a class-action lawsuit. Almost all app users are able to apply for a payout, so it's important to know all the details about t...

Discover Hidden Riches: Are There Unclaimed Property Checks Waiting for You in Texas?

Did you know that the state of Texas is holding onto a staggering $88 billion worth of unclaimed properties? According to an article by Jeffrey Smith in the San Antonio Express-News, ...

Places You Can Easily Find Unclaimed Funds

Unclaimed funds refer to the money the government holds onto before locating the original owner. There are many places where you can find unclaimed funds. Some places are more obvious than others, and some are more likely to have...

Youngkin Announces New Unclaimed Property Program

Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin entered office earlier this year with a lot of criticism swirling around him. Winning as a Republican in a blue state, Youngkin was said to be a horrible choice. Since being elected, howe...

Washington State the Latest to Announce Unclaimed Funds

The idea of unclaimed funds is something that dates back generations. People unaware that they're owed an inheritance, or some sort of tax rebate, etc, goes back a very long way. Generally speaking, few people ...

Here Are Easy Ways to Find Lost Money You Need to Try Today

Think about your money for a few seconds. Have you ever searched deep beneath the sofa cushions desperately searching for a few extra coins? Well, you're certainly not alone. There never seems to be enough ca...

$88 Million Up for Grabs in Arizona: Find Out if You Have Unclaimed Cash

Arizona has been busy returning unclaimed money to its residents, with $88 million distributed to rightful owners this year alone. But the big question is: Could some of that money be yours? Read:&...

How to Boost Credit Score to Get Lower Car Payments

One of the biggest challenges for a person who has low income is getting a low car payment. The individual may have a credit score that isn't in the gutter, but the top lenders still won't touch him. The subprime len...